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kaja661993's avatar
I don't have anything important to say, I just feel like writing something to kill the time and boredom.

NOTHING happened since my last entry, it's been the same cycle - work, home, sleep, work,... weekend, sleep, work,... But since I work only until 2pm, I have afternoons free and lately I've been working on my traditional art again and I think I'm getting there. People on my drawings actually do look like people I intend to draw (more or less) which is awesome and I think I also (at least partially) hacked watercolours and that makes me profoundly happy. At least all the frustration wasn't futile.

And I also ordered graphic drawing tablet the other day which I am SO excited about. I just wish they'd dispatched it already because I want it so badly. I've been thinking about digital painting for quite a while now and now I took the leap and hopefully it will work out :) I just need them to freakin send me that tablet ;)

So I guess this journal entry has a purpose after all. It's a warning. Lots of digital paintings might be coming your way so run. Run you clever boy and remember.
© 2013 - 2024 kaja661993
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mitchie-v's avatar
Myslím, že v rovnakom kruhu žije kopa ľudí, len u mňa je to teda namiesto práce škola, hoci práve teraz si užívam voľnooo :D Keď už budeš mať ten tablet, tak dúfam, že sa tu aj nejaké to tvoje dielo objaví. Ja mám doma ten taký neobrazovkový, ale veľmi ho ani nevyužívam, pretože som prišla na to, že problem v nekvalite mojho kreslenia nie je v počitačovej myške ale v tom, že kresliť neviem :D

Inak, ty si ešte stále v UK, však? Neviem, či si spomínaš na tú našu debatu o mojom "plánovanom" výlete do Londýna, ale keďže cestovka, cez ktoru sme chceli isť, už nema voľne miesta, uvažovali sme so sestrou aj o ceste na vlastnu pasť, no potrebovala by som nejake rady od človeka, ktory tam je/bol, a ktorý to sám zažil a videl. Neponúkla by si sa? :P